About Me

The purpose of this blog is to explore the different types of Artificial Intelligence. This includes but is by no means limited to neural networks such as Back Propagation, Hopfield's Network and Stochastic Networks. I hope to code multiple types of networks, and explore their uses in an applications sense, this may include pattern recognition or correlation searching. I will take recommendations for which networks I should code next, just comment on a post, or email me at elistudios@gmail.com.

Background information about me:
My name is Eli, and I am a junior at a private school in Vermont, I have been programming for 5 years in Visual Basic, Objective-C, C, Java, HTML, and Matlab. I own an iPhone application business called Elistudios, and I have multiple applications on the iOS appstore. This past year I began to be interested in artificial intelligence. I started an internship at The University of Vermont with a professor who teaches Artificial Intelligence.

Besides coding, I play concert piano, enjoy learning, play ultimate frisbee, and have recently picked up the ukulele.

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